Upgrade your gray matter...

...cause one day it may matter!
Ever wanted to be a Jedi Knight? Ever wanted to use the force? Or are you just plain bored?
Then this is for you!
I just got a game called Polarity (see pic above) where you use the force (magnetic that is) to create caos on the board. The game requires some dexterity and some strategic planning abilities, but it's one of those games that takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master.
Wanna know more?
As I was looking for a good game to buy I found out that AUSTRALIA was voted Game of the year 2006 by Games Magazine (that's like huge, if you'r a geek). I just wish they made one called Norway, I'd buy that!
Just put the 3 W's infront of this and you could be a ranger in Australia in the 1920s:
Play more
Work less
Don't look down

The nearest mountain to my house (which I can see from my livingroom window) is called Kolsås. Whenever I get visitors from overseas they have to take a mandatory trip to the top.
Hint: If you are planning to visit do so during the summer months 'cause climbing this in winter can be a bitch. But the view makes it all worth it (if you could only see through my fat head).
The Fallen Angel

Ask me how it feels
To feel like you're a failure
When everything that's real
Burns the flame of anger
I've heard it all before
I've felt some pain and more
More than you could ever dream
More than it probably seems
I'v sat with head in hands
Stessed by my demands
Stomach tied in knots
Alone i sit and rot
Cause the pain from all these fears
Has built up all these years
But I just wipe away the tears
Wipe away the tears
Let me tell you how it feels
To feel like you're a failure
I'v been climbing out this gutter
For what seems like it's forever
But one thing i must make clear
The struggle of these years
Has made every scar the stronger
My lust for life the longer
I will fight for what i love
And i will fight for those i care
I will fight at anytime
And i will fight anywhere
With my heart aimed at the world
Destiny i watch unfurl
As i wipe away the tears
Wipe away the tears
(inspired by a shitty day and lyrics by Machine Head)

Sometimes life seems pointless.
Like this morning when I thought I woke up before my alarmclock, but quickly realized I had forgot to set it. Being stuck at work for six days a week makes me think I would rather have a life than a living.
But then I think of my grandad who had to get up at five every morning to work the same job for 45 years. It makes me wanna suck it up and get my lazy ass through the day or...
Get an afterlife!
Global Symposium
I'm off to Athens (city of dusty old ruins, warm beer and hairy women) for the Global Symposium on Vision Correction. That's in April (7th-10th) so if any of my fellow optoms are going or know someone who's going, let me know ok?
Ada, you greek godess, if you know some cool places to go you gotta tell me...
(I'v been to Athens before, and I'v seen all the ruins)
Yey for Sovlaki!
The big everything

In Australia people like big things. There's the big prawn, the big pineapple, the big mango and the big everything. I used to think that this was because Australians were small minded and needed to compensate some how, but then I figured it must be an influence from America.
Either way, this picture of a big banana (with snow on top) clears Australians of all suspicion of being small minded or Americanized 'cause if we have one in Norway that can't be the case. Norwegians (also known as mountain monkeys) are broad minded and not Americanized at all, no, no, no. We don't even have MacDonalds here!
Native Pokee

In the north of Norway live the native people called the Same. They used to be nomads, following their reindeer around the desolate frozen tundra, and living in little tents. Much like the Native Americans.
After the introduction of alcohol and snowmobiles you can find these guys almost anywhere! This one I found on a gas station, playing a pokee machine! I know the picture is crap 'cause my stupid computer won't rotate it and you don't want to get to close to these guys with a camera (some crap about the camera stealing their soul, and they always carry a BIG-ass knife, for slaying raindeer or nosy city kids with cameras), but here is the evidence.
(For those of you who have never seen one before; it's the thing with the golden belt by the pokee macine, try turning your monitor on it's side. They carry the knife on the left side, so you can't see it in this pic, but it's there!)

Sometimes the sun shines even in (Norway) winter, and then it's nice to walk on the Oslo fjord ice and dream of the times to come where you will be driving a boat in the same place.
It is actually possible to walk to many of the islands in the fjord. Just bring some Gilde kjøttpølser (norwegian hotdogs) and you have a bbq. Or strap on some skates and see if you can skate to Denmark (good luck).
Ah, fresh air.

This winter has been pretty tough for me so far. Coming straight from 40 degrees and Australian summer to a Norwegian snowstorm lasting for 2 weeks was NOT cool, no matter how low the temerature got!
This is a picture of my car, after just one hour in the parking lot. Imagine what it's like the next morning! You have to be prepared to dig for a good 30 minutes every morning. And trafic is caos. When the plow goes trough your street it plows your parked car in, and you have to dig for an extra 30 minutes.
It's enough to give me SDS (sesonal depression syndrome, no shit, you can google it)
Data Rock

The first consert I went to in 2006 was Data Rock.
They are a really groovy Norwegian band, and they play electronic rock music with funny funny lyrics. They played in Brisbane the following weekend (lucky bastards).
It was a really bad snowstorm the night of the concert so I was freezing my ass of later when I had to walk to my car drenched in beer and sweat (yummy), but I ended up making 400 kroners (about AU$ 80) driving some desperatly cold out-of-towners about 500 metres.
Check out Data rock if you have a chance (they sing english, so you won't feel weird listening to them).
OK, so what's this blog all about?
After living in Australia for 5 years (and in various other countries) I find it hard to keep in touch with all the amazing people I'v gotten to know over the years. So I decided to make a blog and try to keep everyone updated on wassap on this side of the planet.
Pls leave comments and tell me wassap in your life 2 ok?
What bit?
At least that's what my grandma used to say. She told me that if you learn this frase it's impossible to forget. And she was right.
In the beginning it's impossible to pronounce, but then it becomes impossible to forget.
Welcome to my updated and overrated life.