
This winter has been pretty tough for me so far. Coming straight from 40 degrees and Australian summer to a Norwegian snowstorm lasting for 2 weeks was NOT cool, no matter how low the temerature got!
This is a picture of my car, after just one hour in the parking lot. Imagine what it's like the next morning! You have to be prepared to dig for a good 30 minutes every morning. And trafic is caos. When the plow goes trough your street it plows your parked car in, and you have to dig for an extra 30 minutes.
It's enough to give me SDS (sesonal depression syndrome, no shit, you can google it)
Hi, I think the hole go-to-work-early-in-the-morning-every-day-thing, pluss the weather came as a shock to Kris. It is good though to have him home after 5 years on the other side of the world. The winter has taken its toll on me as well (seriously thinking of migrating to Australia)- but enough of complaining ! I would like to say hello and thank you to the wonderful Tan family (Barney, Theresa, Anne, Sharon, George and Ping) in Brisbane. Think of you a lot. Please stay in touch ! Lots of hugs mother-blogger Eli
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