Native Pokee

In the north of Norway live the native people called the Same. They used to be nomads, following their reindeer around the desolate frozen tundra, and living in little tents. Much like the Native Americans.
After the introduction of alcohol and snowmobiles you can find these guys almost anywhere! This one I found on a gas station, playing a pokee machine! I know the picture is crap 'cause my stupid computer won't rotate it and you don't want to get to close to these guys with a camera (some crap about the camera stealing their soul, and they always carry a BIG-ass knife, for slaying raindeer or nosy city kids with cameras), but here is the evidence.
(For those of you who have never seen one before; it's the thing with the golden belt by the pokee macine, try turning your monitor on it's side. They carry the knife on the left side, so you can't see it in this pic, but it's there!)
That's how we spell it in Norwegian. In english it's Saami. Incase you want to find out more about these people.
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