Upgrade your gray matter...

...cause one day it may matter!
Ever wanted to be a Jedi Knight? Ever wanted to use the force? Or are you just plain bored?
Then this is for you!
I just got a game called Polarity (see pic above) where you use the force (magnetic that is) to create caos on the board. The game requires some dexterity and some strategic planning abilities, but it's one of those games that takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master.
Wanna know more?
As I was looking for a good game to buy I found out that AUSTRALIA was voted Game of the year 2006 by Games Magazine (that's like huge, if you'r a geek). I just wish they made one called Norway, I'd buy that!
Just put the 3 W's infront of this and you could be a ranger in Australia in the 1920s:
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